The serenity not a risk

Two simple questions: what are the risks covered by the insurance illustrations? And what the compensation guaranteed by insurance companies operating in the sector?

First Bianchi Group is implements all safety procedures and adopt appropriate measures and increasingly aimed at preserving the status of your shipments.

Many times those who entrust the goods to the forwarder, operate in the mistaken belief that the carrier will respond to the full amount of the damage suffered (value of goods, transportation, loss of income etc.). It’s important to know that the carrier operates a precise limitation of liability provided for by international and national conventions listed below:

  • Land on Italian Territory Transportation (D.L. 286/2005) 1 euro per kg. lost/damaged merchandise gross
  • International Terrestrial Transportation (CMR) 8.33 SDR per kg. gross
  • International shipping (Brussels Convention) 2 SDR per kg. Gross or DSP 666.7 per item
  • International shipment by air (the Montreal Convention) 19 SDRS per kilo. Gross

For these reasons, in addition to basic insurance coverage, Bianchi Group offers an advisory service to the customer based on the advisability of providing comprehensive insurance coverage for goods traveling “ALL RISK”.

A type of service offer aimed to compensate as the maximum that healthy state of the goods at the place of destination. Fundamental is still provide for the correct determination of the insurable value and not more (to which must be added the incidentals packing, freight, etc.) seeing that damage is always recognized only this value, in its entirety, if the damage is total, or in proportion to the loss, if it is partial. All this even though you have paid a premium above, whose difference, inter alia, would not be returned by the insurance company.

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